The ONLY Two Activities that Build Your Business!

– Posted in: Weekly Wisdom
The ONLY Two Activities that Actually Build Your Business!
The ONLY Two Activities that Actually Build Your Business!

In this short video, I explain why the only two activities that actually allow your business to Survive and the Thrive are 1. Making Money and, 2. Marketing.     I realize that when you read this or watch me explain that in the video, this might seem like an obvious conclusion for any small or home-based business owner to come to.  However, many home-based business owners and online marketers, sometimes like to fool themselves into believing that being busy is the same thing as being productive.    Always be asking yourself whether the activities that you are engaged in are either generating income directly (making money) or generating new clients (marketing) because, ultimately, those are the only two activities that will put food on your table and pay your bills and keep you in business past the next quarter.     I hope you found this video message helpful.  Please share your thoughts and experiences below.  Thanks.

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Sal KARUNARATNE May 15, 2016, 8:16 am

This video really challenged me to seriously look at how well i’m using my time. Thank you Jim, extremely helpful video 🙂

jupiterjim May 15, 2016, 10:26 am

Thanks again for the positive feedback! I made this video because this is something I struggled with when I first started my web design business and I also know from working with tons of people that this is something that all home-based business owners struggle with. Glad you found this helpful! Hope all is well Down Under!

Mark June 9, 2016, 6:13 pm

I don’t know how much simpler you could spell things out Jim!

But your advice is definitely spot on!

If we’re truly goal orientated, there are more than enough money making and or positive activities to be engaged in!

Great advice (as usual) thanks!

jupiterjim June 12, 2016, 12:06 am

so true! It’s so easy for us all to lose track as to what activities actually pay the bills. But when you remember that it all comes down to selling and marketing, the life of an entrepreneur becomes that much simpler!