The Only Reason People Fail Online

– Posted in: Weekly Wisdom

Why People Fail at Online Marketing


The Only Reason People Fail at Online Marketing
The Only Reason People Fail at Online Marketing


There are so many ways that online marketers can get driven off course and down into the Valley of Distraction and Despair.    This video shows you clearly the only reason online marketers fail and what can be done to prevent that from happening to you.   And, luckily, the solution to the problem is easier than you think!

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Carrie May 29, 2016, 1:43 am

This is so on point! I find myself with a broken focus constantly throughout my day and it inevitably slows me down from getting specific goals accomplished and then I get down on myself for that. I think so many people suffer from attention deficit disorder or to an extent because they are inundated with just too much information. I am going to work on this starting tomorrow and try to be more disciplined about staying focused. Thank you so much Jim you’re the best!

jupiterjim June 4, 2016, 11:20 pm


Thanks so much for commenting on this video! You are entirely right, there are so many things to distract us all these days that it’s a wonder that anything get done at all. It is extremely hard to get anything of substance accomplished because there are so many distractions and people, places and things pulling us in so many directions! I know that you’re on Vacation this week. I hope you enjoy it because you deserve it! Have a Good one!
~ Jupiter Jim

Mark June 9, 2016, 5:13 pm

Your words o wisdom really strike a chord Jupiter Jim!

And on advice of counsel, I have got
to plead the fifth!LOL!

Because without doubt, more times than I care to admit, I’ve fallen prey to allure of broken focus!

Or as I’ve often heard it referred to as, the “bunny hop” syndrome!”LOL!

So i think, one foot i front of the other and before you know it, you are actually progressing!

Thanks, your message is both clear and extremely helpful!and I’m thoroughly enjoying your series!

jupiterjim June 12, 2016, 12:52 am

We ALL need to plead the Fifth! The good news is that today we can start over again and stay focused one more time. And then one day leads into another focused day.